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If you aren't ready to deal with Possessed Monsters (posse) to gather the bulk of your dust then you're probably wondering "How can I get dust for my next sword?", well here's a few alternatives.

First of all a warning: None of these methods will leave you sitting on piles of dust in a few minutes - you need to work at them over the course of days or even weeks if you want to get serious amounts of dust. If you can't cope with a little hard work then you'll never be able to achieve anything of note.

Random Drops

Whenever you kill a monster there's a small random chance it will drop something special. Kill enough monsters and you'll often find yourself with a dust (or a special if you're in a realm) - if there are several choices for the drop then you'll receive one of them at random, for example you might find yourself with a mix of red dust, white dust and undead totems from the realm of the dead?.

The realm-based random drops as as follows: Normal Realm: Blue dust Spirit Realm: Viz ingot, Blue dust Realm of the Dead: Red dust, White dust, Undead totem Dragon Realm: Red dust?, White dust?, Dragon totem Upper Lab: Chit totem, Chit ingot Lower Lab: Silver Dust (Only from Lizards), Chit totem, Mal ingot Note that actually Blue Dust drop in all realms, but don't expect a blue dust to drop from a slithis when you are a high level.

The downside is that the drops are random so you might have to kill a lot of monsters before you get one (newbies seem to get more dusts because they kill lots of small creatures in a small space of time).

Note: Some people say that drop rate is related to the dodge level of the character versus the level of the monster, which is why some dust hunters prefer to create newbie characters with either very low dodge (0 or 1) or that haven't learned dodge.

Farming Dusts

The limiting factor in the "random drop" method is how many monsters you can kill in a space of time - farming takes random drop mining to the next level by upping your kill rate.

There are two common methods:

Create a newbie character on your account, give it some totems, a reasonably powerful area-effect weapon (either a din fire staff or a bladestaff) and then send it out into an area with a lot of small monsters you can kill in a hit or two and that wont kill the character too often.

Use an existing character, give it some totems, a reasonably powerful weapon (often a bladestaff) and then take it somewhere with either a lot of monsters available to kill, or less monsters but with a high respawn rate.

Note: Some people say that drop rate is related to the dodge level of the character versus the level of the monster, which is why some dust framers prefer to create newbie characters with either very low dodge (0 or 1) or that haven't learned dodge. If you plan to use staffs to farm you'll probably need your own mage to make them because very few mages like making staffs in bulk.

Vagabond Hunting

Vagabonds are unique monsters found randomly in earthkeys. Just like posses they can drop oak staffs, undead totems and dusts (blue, white, red) - the deeper you go the more drops they will have when you kill them (see the geomancy page to calculate approximate drop at a depth).

There are several catches; not all vagabonds are easy to kill, vagabonds get harder the deeper you go and whether or not a vagabond will appear is random so you might have to run through several earthkeys before you see one. On the plus side every earthkey you clean out will make you money so it's not a total loss.

Dungeon Chests

Every dungeon in the normal realm has three chests which are reset automatically every hour or two. There's a small chance (random) that least of them will contain a glowing blue dust - if you're unlucky you'll just get a golden necklace you can sell for 1k gold as cheap loot.

Chest contents are randomly chosen you may need to visit several dungeons before you find a blue, also there's a chance that someone may have gotten there before you and cleaned out all the chests, in which case you'll need to either wait for the chests to reset or go to another dungeon.

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Page last modified on December 07, 2009, at 09:19 PM