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Basic Blade Mistress Information:

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Skill Information:



Mastery Skills were added in January 2005 update, they are the a variation on "Fighter Skills" designed to be build up slowly over time, giving a minor damage boost to players who are active in training their weapons skills.

There are the following skills:

Sword Mastery
Improves your ability to handle weapons created by swordsmith: dirks, knives, short swords, long swords and great swords.

Katana Mastery
Improves your ability to handle weapons created by katana expertise: tantos, katanas and tachis.

Mace Mastery
Improves your ability to handle weapons created by mace expertise: small maces, maces and war maces.

Chaos Mastery
Improves your ability to handle weapons created by chaos expertise: chaos knives, chaos blades and chaos swords.

Claw Mastery
Improves your ability to handle weapons created claw expertise: talons, claws and heavy claws.

Bladestaff Mastery
Improves your ability to handle weapons created by bladestaff expertise: Edgestaff's, Bladestaff's and Swordstaff's.

Experience Gain

You gain one XP point in the relevant mastery whenever you strike an enemy with a weapon. You gain no XP for a miss.

Damage Gain

Upon levelling, your damage will increase by the amount used with the following formula.

<mastery level> x <physical stat> / 2

Upon reaching level 2 on a 10/1/1 you gain 10 damage useing the weapon matching the mastery.

Experience per level

At the moment, each mastery level is 100k xp. It's currently unknown how much each Mastery level adds to your Character Level.

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Page last modified on December 09, 2009, at 12:54 PM